Digital Media
Mobile App Title Sponsor
Become the ISSA Show North America Mobile App Title Sponsor and receive maximum exposure within the app as well as in communications related to the app including print, on-site signage, and digital communications.
The Title Sponsor package includes:
- Exclusive Splash Screen
- Exclusive Show Banner Ad on Home Page
- Rotating Banner ad included on all pages
- Featured Listing in the Mobile App
- Three special announcements with push notifications
- Brand recognition throughout the mobile app
- Exclusive sponsor promotion of app to all registrants upon registration
Show Highlight Sponsorship
Show Highlight Sponsorship:
Requires the Level 2 Package ($1,500) +
- Showcase your product image or video on the Directory Home Page
- Live link directs attendees to your compay's listing
- Limited to the first 21 exhibitors
Exclusive Online Hall Sponsorship
Includes the Level 2 Package, plus:
- 728x90 pixel image on the online hall (1456x180 required for upload)
EXCLUSIVE - only 1 available
Exhibit Floor Plan Sponsor - Exclusive
In 2017, over 22,000 visits to the Interactive floor plan occurred to help attendees plan their visit to the show. Exclusive company logo placement on the floor plan.
Includes the Level 2 Package, PLUS:
320 x 50 pixel banner on your online hall
- 640 x 100 pixel image required for upload
EXCLUSIVE - only 1 available
Exhibitor In-Booth Interview
Capturing something special happening in your booth or looking to promote new products? ISSA offers professional in-booth Interviews, aired on ISSA TV and promoted to attendees through the mobile app as well as ISSA members on Interviews take place in exhibitor booth space on Tuesday, November 19th and Wednesday, November 20th, 2019.
Don't miss out on this opportunity!
- In-booth video interview featuring a representative from your company (maximum video length of two minutes).
Includes production of a “web” version to be played on and on demand for at least 60 days following the event plus a digital copy of a “legacy” version (a more general video that is not event-specific) that can be used for year-round marketing.
ISSA Innovation Award Program - Standard Entry
The tenth edition of the ISSA Innovation Award Program is designed to bring you valuable exposure for your innovative products and services. Innovation is defined by you, so if you think your product is unique or new—or is updated with new technology—we welcome your product into the program as long as you are a current 2019 ISSA Show North America exhibitor.
$3,000 Innovation Entry (member price) per product
Innovation Entry includes:
- Product placement in ISSA Innovation Award Program on
- Product included in specific product focused e-mail blasts
- Products promoted in social media campaign
- Product placement in Innovation Marketplace - Booth#101
- Recognized at Industry Events hosted by ISSA
- Highlighted in Official Exhibit Directory
Go to for all program details.
ISSA Show Connect
An exclusive e-mail to the combined databases of ISSA Show 2019 pre-registered attendees, 2018 ISSA Show attendees and ISSA’s Cleaning & Maintenance Management’s e-mail database.
In addition to the exclusive e-mail, the Connect promotion also includes a shared e-mail the week of ISSA Show North America to drive additional engagement and awareness. Total e-mail deployment is 35,000+.
Support your Innovation Award entry, drive web traffic to your digital listing and/or increase page views directly to your website.
ISSA Show Daily e-Newsletter
Deliver your messaging directly to the inbox of your target market! Consistently and cost effectively reach your target market with ISSA’s Clean Matters e-Newsletters. ISSA’s Clean Matters are segmented to each ISSA member group so you can better communicate your advertising message.
Delivered weekly to each segment providing news, trends, and must know information.
Options Available
Premium Banner
Dimensions: 600 x 160 pixels
Daily Cost: $2,000.00
Weekly Cost: $8,000.00
Featured Article | Product Spotlight
Dimensions: 300 x 250 Banner (50 character headline, 50 words of copy, Image, url)
Daily Cost: $1,200.00
Weekly Cost: $4,800.00
ISSAtv Rotating Banner Ad
Specs: Rotating banner ad (artwork supplied by advertiser; size/format TBD) placement on the ISSA TV page on and following the event for on-demand viewing.
ISSAtv Video Commercial
Specs: Video commercial (supplied by advertiser; maximum length of 30 seconds) played regularly on and on demand at least 60 days following the event
Level 1 - Exhibit Directory Listing Upgrade
The ISSA Show North America website houses the official exhibitor directory, floor plan, and show planner attendees use to find new products and services while planning their visit to the show. It is the only complete resource for exhibitor information that is updated in real time before, during, and after the show.
Level 1 Package Includes:
- Inclusion of company logo and press releases
- 3 product images with descriptions
- 1 video panel (or your option to use an image/text)
- Access to online leads
- 50 word company description
- Advertisement of show specials
Level 2 - Exhibit Directory Listing Upgrade
The ISSA Show North America website houses the official exhibitor directory, floor plan, and show planner attednees use to find new products and services while planning their visit to the show. It is the only complete resource for exhibitor information that is updated in real time before, during, and after the show.
Level 2 Package Includes:
- All benefits of the Level 1 package (detailed below)
- 4 additional video panels (total of 8 display panels)
- 1 additional product image/text panel
- Online booth is highlighted with a corner peel
- Priority placement at the top of all online searches
- Inclusion in the Featured Exhibitor Search
Level 1 Package:
- Inclusion of company logo and press releases
- 3 product images with descriptions
- 1 video panel (or your option to use an image/text)
- Access to online leads
- 50 word company description
- Advertisement of show specials
Mobile App Rotating Banner Ad
This sponsorship allows up to 8 ad placements to rotate in a given position each time the app is opened or refreshed.
Online Directory Title Sponsor Exclusive
Includes the Level 2 Package, PLUS:
180 x 150 pixel banner on the home page of the directory
- 360 x 300 pixel image required for upload
Product Category Sponsorship
Includes the Level 2 Package, plus:
320 x 50 pixel banner on your product category
- 640 x 100 pixel image required for upload
Guaranteed #1 placement at the top of your category search results
Additional categories are $245 each
Push Notifications
Reach out to attendees during the event. Push notifications allow users to send out instant messages to designated attendees on a specific day and time.
Specs include:
Date and time you wish to send the notification (to be confirmed)
Please submit message up to 170 characters in a word document by email
Registration Confirmation by Attendee Class Sponsorship
Be the exclusive registration confirmation by attendee registration type. Select by attendee classification and they will receive a confirmation email with your message after their registration has processed. Attendees must bring these bar-code confirmations to pick up their badges onsite. Registration confirmations are sent at least 3 times prior to the start of the show.
Sponsorship is priced per Attendee Classification. Attendee classifications you can select from include:
- Distributor/Wholesaler
- In-House Service Provider
- Residential Cleaner
- Building Service Contractor
Specs: 543 pixels wide x 181 high
Registration Confirmation Exclusive Sponsorship
All attendees will receive a confirmation email with your message after their registration has processed. Attendees must bring these bar-code confirmations to pick up their badges onsite.
Specs: 543 pixels wide x 181 high