Mobile App Promotions
Mobile App Title Sponsor
Become the ISSA Show North America Mobile App Title Sponsor and receive maximum exposure within the app as well as in communications related to the app including print, on-site signage, and digital communications.
The Title Sponsor package includes:
- Exclusive Splash Screen
- Exclusive Show Banner Ad on Home Page
- Rotating Banner ad included on all pages
- Featured Listing in the Mobile App
- Three special announcements with push notifications
- Brand recognition throughout the mobile app
- Exclusive sponsor promotion of app to all registrants upon registration
Mobile App Rotating Banner Ad
This sponsorship allows up to 8 ad placements to rotate in a given position each time the app is opened or refreshed.
Push Notifications
Reach out to attendees during the event. Push notifications allow users to send out instant messages to designated attendees on a specific day and time.
Specs include:
Date and time you wish to send the notification (to be confirmed)
Please submit message up to 170 characters in a word document by email