Residential Cleaner Audience
ARCSI Round Table Networking Event
Great networking event to learn from each other about best practices in the industry including how to grow your business in today’s world. Over 20 roundtables featuring topics important to the industry and specifically related to our residential cleaner challenges. One of the most popular events offered to all ISSA member classes.
Sponsorship includes:
- Recognition on all convention printed materials, website and newsletters
- Two (2) complimentary All Access Passes
- Onsite signage recognizing sponsors
- Sponsor is invited to moderate a table discussion
- Sponsor may provide a giveaway at this event
Exclusive Drink Ticket Sponsor - ISSA Welcome Reception
Monday, November 18th. Bally's Hotel - Skyview 5/6 7:00pm - 9:00pm
All Industry Welcome Reception welcomes all new and current ISSA members.
Sponsorship includes:
- Company logo on drink ticket distributed to all attendees
- Recognition on all convention printed materials, website and newsletters
- Onsite Signage recognizing sponsors
Exclusive Residential Cleaner Welcome Kit Sponsor
Every registered Residential Cleaner attendee will receive a welcome kit that includes useful information to navigate the week. Welcome Kits are distributed at Registration when attendees pick up their trade show badge.
Sponsorship includes:
- Company Logo in premier location on kit
- Sponsor may provide 1 piece of literature, postcard or give-away in kit (sponsor may provide notebook, USB Drive or pens)
ISSA Welcome Reception
Monday, November 18th.
All Industry Welcome Reception welcomes all new and current ISSA members.
Sponsorship includes:
- Recognition on all convention printed materials, website and newsletters
- Two (2) complimentary All Access Passes
- Onsite Signage recognizing sponsors
- Special Vendor Table at Welcome Reception
- Sponsor may provide a giveaway at this event
Professional Cleaner of the Year Award
Presented to one residential cleaner and is the most prestigious award in the industry.
Sponsorship includes:
- Recognition on all convention printed materials, website and newsletters
- Two (2) complimentary All Access Passes
- Five (5) minute presentation at Welcome Reception
- Onsite Signage at recognizing sponsors
- Special Vendor Table at Welcome Reception
Residential Cleaner Education Seminar Sponsor
Sponsor one of the Residential Cleaner educational sessions offered at the ISSA Show North America and receive valuable exposure.
Sponsor may introduce speaker, place up to two pieces of literature in the seminar room and logo will be placed on signage. In addition, logo also referenced in applicable schedule references from contract date. Sponsor receives a list of registered attendees from those that attended sessions.
Full Education schedule Coming Soon!
Residential Cleaner Welcome Kit Insert
Every registered Residential Cleaner attendee will receive a welcome kit that includes useful information to navigate the week. Welcome Kits are distributed at Registration when attendees pick up their trade show badge.
Sponsorship includes:
- Sponsor may provide 1 piece of literature, postcard or give-away in kit (sponsor may provide notebook, USB Drive or pens)